It was a shocking night! A car broke through the wall of a house in Sydney, and the perpetrator escaped! The police are doing their best to pursue…

Excellcia Starr, who was at home asleep in her home when a car crashed into her house in the early hours of this morning. Picture: Justin Lloyd.

According to reports, the police were chasing a group of people who lost control of their car and ran into a house in western Sydney.


At around 11:45 p. m., a Skoda car crashed into the bathroom of a Lucas Road resident’s home, and Seven Hills resident, Excepcia Star, was awakened by a loud noise.


She and her partner were sleeping in the bedroom a few meters away. Fortunately, they were not injured.


At first, she thought that someone was going to break into her house, but then she saw the car rush into her bathroom.


Daily Telegraph. 01, March, 2025. The scene at 2/21 Lucas Road, Seven Hills, where a car crashed into a house in the early hours of this morning. Excellcia Starr Picture: Justin Lloyd.


“We were all asleep and didn’t know what was going on,” she said.


” It’s really scary. I only heard a loud noise.”


Ms. Star said that when they walked outside, the people in the Skoda had already left.


“We were lucky we weren’t hurt, but we couldn’t believe they drove away,” she said.


Excellcia Starr, who was at home asleep in her home when a car crashed into her house in the early hours of this morning. Picture: Justin Lloyd.


The NSSF Fire and Rescue Team rushed to the scene and assessed the damage to the house. The police asked the police dog team to help find the perpetrator.


The police searched the area for some time but still could not find the driver and passenger. The police were investigating the accident and continuing to look for the perpetrator.


Ms. Star said that this was the second time a car had crashed into her house. She said that this was a well-known place for “illegal car drivers.”

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